Insanity seems to be disorientated as we continue into the new millennium and it is searching for a new home. While it hides within brutality throughout the rest of the world, its musical passion transpires directly into the heads and bodies of the flu.ID members. Inspired by the noise and hardcore heroes of the past century, these guys had put their musical work into the core of all being from the start. Rhythms fractured like bones, songs fragmented, beloved classics of the metal age pulverized and blown over the ashes they strew a chorus of expending voices.
It is not begging for a new drawer in the musical filing tray, it’s convincing by being itself – like a steamed-up version of Dillinger Escape Plan on some really good acid or something – you get the point, hey? The outcome is somewhat brutal, but it shapes up into a structural masterpiece giving a hurting massage to your full set of synapses. This is how music should be: something to chew on! The trio has been playing an unbelievable amount of live shows and managed to create a following throughout several underground channels before they called it quits in 2008.
Check out the bands growing out of the ashes of flu.ID: Bombee, Orchid Of Doom, Roederr, Ruptur, to name a few.
FLU.ID have released one album on Exile On Mainstream. Click here for PURCHASE: