Title: L’inertie polaire
CatNo.: EOM111V (LP+CD bundle)
Release Date: 31 May 2024
Formats: LP (w/CD bundled), digital
Playing Time: 34:44
Barcode: 811521011112
Download the record in mp3 format for promotional use only HERE
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- Gravity The Antikaroshi 5:26
- Homohominilupus The Antikaroshi 3:34
- Doxa The Antikaroshi 3:12
- Lost In Compassion The Antikaroshi 4:07
- Shiny White Teeth The Antikaroshi 2:39
- Sticky Hands The Antikaroshi 3:53
- Thousand Lakes The Antikaroshi 4:16
- Authority The Antikaroshi 4:22
- Major Light The Antikaroshi 3:15
- Tang Ping The Antikaroshi 4:42
THE ANTIKAROSHI ist der Name des letzten Songs deiner ex-band, der trotzdem in neuem Gewand geschrieben, aufgenommen und gespielt werden muss. Warum? Weil das Leben so ist. Weil eben dieses Leben sich einen Weg sucht und manchmal einen Song braucht, ein Musik gewordenes Stück Ausdruck. Zum Selbstzweck? Auch das.
THE ANTIKAROSHI ist eine Band. Eine Band, die auch einfach so entstehen musste. Vor nunmehr 18 Jahren. Nenn es Schicksal oder Anspruch. Aber nenn es nicht Konvention. Denn ebensolcher verweigert sich der Dreier aus Potsdam und Berlin konsequent. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes schwer zu fassen, was da passiert. Und dabei so dicht an genau dem Leben, das ihre Songs füllt. Stilmix überlassen sie den anderen. Hier wird nicht gemixt, sondern organisch zerfurcht, gepflügt, erforscht und beatmet, was einfach raus muss. Schubladen wie Jazz, Electronica, Noise oder Postrock sind ihnen zu klein. Ihre Wurzeln im Punk und Hardcore der DC-Schule haben sie nicht vergessen und denken nicht daran, sie zu verleugnen.
THE ANTIKAROSHI ist Anspruch, Ansporn und Konzept in einem. Die Aktivitäten der Mitglieder gehen über das bloße Musikmachen weit hinaus. Als Kollektiv veranstalten sie Konzerte und Events und sind damit ein integraler Bestandteil der Potsdamer Subkultur.
THE ANTIKAROSHI sind: Christoph Hennig – vocals, guitar, electronic // Dirk Hoffmann – vocals, bass, electronics // Andre Pautz – drums
“THE ANTIKAROSHI” is the name of an unwanted song written, played and recorded out of a pleading necessity to do so. Why? Because sometimes life or experiences can only be expressed through song, music, lyrics. It’s sort of …autotelic… in a self-sufficient, internally driven form.
THE ANTIKAROSHI was established in this same self-motivated manner free of external influence. Call it destiny. Call it aspiration. But don’t call it convention. The three-piece hailing from Potsdam, Germany is the antithesis to convention. You cannot constrain or pigeon-hole what is happening here. On the other hand, they are part of and inseparable from the environment that has created and influenced their music. Style-mixture is left over for others to define. What happens in their music is an organic amalgamation – they furrow, trench, delve and breathe through whatever calls to express their music. Classifications such as Jazz, Electronica, Noise or Post Rock are too constraining.
The roots of THE ANTIKAROSHI are heavily influenced mainly by D.C. Punk and Hardcore, while shooting forth rays into many genres by acting completely independent, musically and politically. The result is music both surprising and overwhelming.
THE ANTIKAROSHI consist of: Christoph Hennig – vocals, guitar, electronic // Dirk Hoffman – vocals, bass, electronics // Andre Pautz – drums
Doing a record is both: music captured as a snapshot and also a documentation of the longer time span in which the songs were created. If you want to give that documentation and time span a name (like a record title) the question is obvious: what has happened in the time since the last recording – on a personal, social and a lot of other scales? Have things changed? Or was it just about “more” of the same. In a shorter amount of time. While doing multiple things in parallel. And squeeze and optimize and repeat? Are things changing into directions they should be evolving to? Are things progressing at all? Or is it just about doing whatever the heck we were doing before and before that – just faster, more efficient? The phrase „L’inertie polaire” (almost 35 years old) does not explain everything that’s going on in the world, but an uncomfortable lot…
3 years after “Extract.Transform.Debase”, The Antikaroshi are releasing album no. 6, which can be considered as a successor in terms of content. The trio continues exactly where they left off: songs that take their time to breathe, only to start up again frantically the next moment and indulge in the noise! The volume is always a means to an end and overall it’s about dragging you into the moment. Here and now has always been the constant. While the drums and bass prove to be the foundation and yet try to break through the all too familiar, the guitar is often hypnotic and imaginatively searching. The vocals consciously wander between spoken word-esque snapshots and don’t need to spill over anymore.
Either way, the world is frantic, at a standstill. While a handful of super-rich people are already saying goodbye to this planet (Lost In Compassion), the media machine is running like clockwork and has learned to sell bad news as good news (Shiny White Teeth). Wars are becoming peace missions (Authority) and the end all too often justifies the means (Gravity) when it comes to defying one’s own gravity. Even lakes are now for sale (Thousand Lakes) and all available means are used (Sticky Hands) People oscillate between all (opposite) poles against their better judgment (Doxa). All that remains is to sing the high song of solidarity, drive out the wolves (Homohominilupus) while struggling the paradox of capitalist culture (Major Light) and join together in protest (Tang Ping).
With all the content embededded therein it feels bittersweet but we are saying it anyway, because that’s what it’s about: enjoy!
The album was recorded and mixed between November 2023 and February 2024 by Nikolaus Schwab at Chaosaudio Potsdam
Mastering and cut by Stefan Betke at Scape Mastering Berlin
Guest appearances on Major Light by Marco Henschke (guitar) and Judith Kuehne (spoken words)
Artwork: Matt Irwin (A Whisper In The Noise)